Monday, April 9, 2012

The Easter Edition

Another Easter has come and gone. Like any holiday, all the work you put into preparing for it and it is over in a flash! This Easter I made dinner for my husband and my parents at our house. Everything was quite enjoyable!! Let me share some photos of the preparation and the final outcomes...

Growing up, I specifically remember one tradition on holidays, warm gooey cinnamon rolls for breakfast. So in keeping that tradition alive, I still make them for breakfast on Easter and Christmas. In order to get my protein in for the morning, I included a side of scrambled eggs and orange carrot juice. 

                             The preparations/ final outcomes:
Decorated and glitterized 

 Chocolate dipped pretzel-rods 

Bunny Bait

Bird nests (rice krispy treats w/ m&m's)

My mom supplied the carrot cake

And the dessert bar was complete... 

The Easter dinner/dessert menu


And of course I had to take a picture of my new water dispenser (with fresh cut lemons)

Dinner was ready to be served

Close up of my Pinterest inspired centerpiece 

the Easter bunny (aka my mom) even supplied an Easter basket for us

Mocha was wondering where her Easter basket was.....

After dinner, the dogs got nice and cozy and took  nap on dad

Of course I had to get a picture of my mom and me with our bunny phone covers

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