Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The so called adventures of Spring Break

Spring Break was just what I needed. A week of a little R & R,  cleaning, purging, and organizing.  It's amazing how fast a week goes!! Isn't ironic that the first day back to work today just so happens to be  the hottest day outside?! But hey, I'll take it! I wish it could be hot and sunny everyday!

87 degrees the first day back to work

Here is a little snippet of what my vacation entailed:

unfortunately, this is pretty much how most of Spring Break looked

I needed some comfort food for those rainy/dreary days. What better way than with tomato soup and grilled cheese?!

Took a nap with the dogs (Doggy Pile!!)

I cleaned the entire house from top to bottom...

                                including cleaning out my closet. (Five bags of clothes donated)
Ya know, just making some more room for those new spring/summer clothes I plan on adding to my
                                                                                     collection. ; )

My house had moments of being torn upside down. The TV room was freshly painted.

Freshly painted a light creamy color. (Notice Mocha waiting for me to finish taking pictures) Now, I just have to hang all the pictures back up... 

Including some of my favorites (pictured above)

Pat tried to get our yard back in order after the fence was installed. Look at that stud at work... haha

and the dogs are right there in on the action..

Our new vanity sink was finally installed after sitting in our house for the past month. My first experience with granite. ( I like it, I like it a lot! ) 

Stocked up on some green machine smoothies.

Of course I got caught up on some TV, pinterest, and other leisurely activities. 

Made some delicious meals. Including this one... Martha Stewart's recipe. (Scallops over Tuscan white beans and spinach) 

Home made spaghetti and meat balls with my favorite Atwater Riesling wine. 

Date Night with Pat at Tony R's in Corning

The best Espresso Martini!

Saturday before break was over, it was finally nice enough to enjoy some Dunkin Doughnuts breakfast outside on the patio.

Saturday night, I got to reunite with my good friends from college. I missed them so much!

A little champagne toast for the occasion.

Sunday, after returning home from my visit in Syracuse, I felt I needed to get myself back on track!
After a run around the local high school track, (even helped myself to the high jump and hurtles that were left out) I made a delicious healthy dinner. (Salmon spinach salad with strawberries and goat cheese) 

For dessert, skinny Oreo truffles.

Now, it's back to the grind... and my body is definitely paying the price! So sleepy! (yawn...)

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